Tuesday, December 9, 2008

random health question

the back of my right thigh is KILLING ME. well maybe not really killing me. i can walk ok, maybe a slight limp. but it REALLY hurts. kinda a dull ache. isnt that where the hamstring is? if so, how would i know if i damaged it?


Rich and Becky Stout said...

yes, that is your hamstring... Did you injure it in some way or did the pain just appear one day? If you did injure it specifically, did you hear a pop?

James said...

lets see if you can read this becky. no i didnt hear a pop. and it just happened today at work. after being there about 2 hrs, it just started to hurt.

Randi Jo :) said...

I pulled my hamstring once and it was the worst worst worst. ouch. do some slight stretching - and you can alternate bewteen hot/cold compress.

Rich and Becky Stout said...

yeah, I would have to think that pulled the hamstring, it's really painful. Like Randi said hot cold compress is a really good idea, especially when it's sore. Also if you have a resistance band you can use it to excersize the muscle so that you don't lose too much flexibility or strength in it while it heals. It will feel like torture so only do a few like maybe once or twice a day at most at first. Then you will notice your endurance building back up and that it is sore less and you can do more as far as moving it, flexibility wise. I only know this because I pulled mine a few times during my dance years. Had to go to physical therapy once for it. I was losing movement in that leg I had pulled it so many times. It wasn't fun!