Saturday, December 13, 2008


hello. i hope people are still reading this, other than my wife. first off, thank you to randi and becky for their help with my hamstring situation. its better for now, hopefully for good.

second. i have an xbox360. dawn got it for me for father's day, id wanted it for a while. we also have a Wii. i dont know our Wii adderess off the top of my head, but my gamer card is HAPYHUBY. let me know yours if you have one and we can link up. maybe play on live together.

also, this pertains to people here in town, but really anyone is cool... howabout a gaming group? video games, board games, the such. both of us like games, just really no one to play with. randi has suggested it, and i think its a great idea.

i also saw on Stephanie's blog a link to an online book club, another neat idea, either a few of us join her's, or start our own. she also has a recipe thing i saw, how about a recipe swap? we get kinda tired eating the same stuff. sorry Steph if i am stealing your ideas, but they good ones.

also, i know things are tight for everyone, but Dawn is a Pampered Chef rep. she can do reak shows, or catalog shows. for you many miles away, a catalog show, she would send you one, you tell her what you want, she orders, and it gets sent right to you. if you are interested, let her know through my blog, or her's for her email. also, i am liquidatig my sword collection, if you are interested in it, or pieces let me know.

i am sure after PK's sermon i will have something to say tommorrow, so later for now!

and remember Eagles may soar, but the weasle does not get sucked into jet engines.


Rich and Becky Stout said...

Hey, James! I'm glad to see your hamstring is doing better. Your game group sounds like fun, I wish we lived in town, we would totally come! Steph always has tons of fabulous ideas. I was way excited to see that you and I share reading tastes. I am a huge Stephen King and Dean Koontz fan. One year, for Christmas Rich got me a huge collection of Dean Koontz books so I have like 20. So if you start a book club let me know and I will join it. I enjoy Stephanie's book club but I have such different literature tastes than the people in the group so I don't get much opportunity to read stuff that really challenges my mind. There are so many people in the group that are church members and afraid of reading something that might have a swear word in it or something (God forbid!). Anyway, I'm exaggerating a little but you can imagine that December was my month to choose the book and I gave everyone 3 choices... The Other Boleyn Girl, Christmas Jar and Watchers. Only my own siblings chose The Other Boleyn Girl (no one else would chose it because of the sexual content) and everyone else chose Christmas Jars. No one picked Watchers and it's one of the best books I've ever read! Ok, I'm done venting, sorry! LOL!

Rich and Becky Stout said...

oh, I forgot to say that I loved that eagle/weasel saying, that's hillarious!

James said...

try reading Joel C Rosenburg's series The Last Jihad. excellent series. im about to read the 4th and final. its action packed, and ironically considered christian fiction, even though it is very violent.

never suggest and of the Anita Blake series, full of violence, sex, but its really good. vampires, wearwolves, zombies, etc.

that comment i saw in a guy's email from work, he showed us all. its from Larry the Cable Guy