Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm an angry person

Last Sunday PK completed his series "The Emo Whisperer" with a sermon on Anger. I tell you, it got to me, not as much as his on jealousy, but it got me. To me, both went hand in hand. I am angry at soooo many people from over the years. PK said part of letting it go, we have to identify what was taken from us, so we can frogive the debt. But thats whats hard, with so many people I am mad at, they really didn't take anything per say, just really hurt my feelings, and I mean REALLY hurt my feelings. I figured one way to healing is to get it all out there.

I am angry with all the kids from my school years, elementary through high school, and there are alot of those. I was treated horrifically for my entire youth. Constantly bullied and harassed. It was so bad that at the very beginning of my freshman year in highschool I attempted suicide. I am also angry at the adults that were around, who didn't do anything to try to end my torment, or tried to blame me for it, or imply that I WAS CAUSING IT. This means teachers, youth leaders, church leaders, and parents of other kids. I actually asked a teacher in 6th grade why I was always getting sent to the office, instead of the kids doing the wrong. She actually replied that it was easier to send one person (me) instead of 5-10, or the rest of the class. While there was a point to that logic, I pointed out that it made me look and feel like I was the problem.

I am angry at my father (he has no right to be called dad) for being a creep and causing my mom to leave him, then for being a pedophile (not to me or my sis thank god) afterwards and going to prison. He was never there, and a very sick individual, and I never knew him, and do not want to, but that doesn't change the fact that things could have been different had he been there.

I am angry at my mom, for many reasons. For raising me as a Mormon. This is a big root of my pain growing up. Many of the kids at church were crueler than those at school, and I had to go to school with many of them too. Not only that, but so many of the things they taught, that I believed whole heartedly, failed me when I needed them most. I'm mad at her because even after I stopped going to her church, she was so wrapped up in going and serving, she would either neglect her family, kill herself between work, family, and church responsibilities, or both. We/ I have repeatedly wanted to visit, and now "allow" her to see her grandbaby, and so many times she says she can't because of church. I understand serving God is important, but family is too.

I'm angry at my wife. Though not as much as others. So many times it seems she does not fully appreciate how hard I work to give her everything she has. And how stressed I am most of the time. I try to keep her out of it ( I know, we married and I should communicate) so she won't get stressed.

And I am angry at myself. I want to communicate with my wife, help more around the house. But I am so tired and stressed from work and all that I have no energy. And what little I do have left, I use to spend with her and Carly. I am angry that I have no energy.

I am angry at my job, for not having enough people, for hiring people who can't do the job or refuse to, and for not getting rid of certain people that they could have and should have a long time ago, now creating more work than needed.

I am angry with God for allowing me to be treated like crap growing up. For allowing it to seem like I get punished for helping people. Every time I do, either I end up hurting myself, or the person I help hurts me.

Of all I am angry with though, it is mostly all those that treated me so harshly growing up. I have gotten a few apologies, and I have forgiven them, but I want the rest to. But I guess that wil never happen.


Randi Jo :) said...

oh James I wish I could just take away all the pain/anger but I can't. but He can take away that sting!!

Anger is so destructive. we all have dealt with it...or deal with it. recognizing it really absolutey is the first step ya know? Sounds so cliche - but so true.
very clearly

don't you recognize know that in your suffering - Jesus is right there with you. In every single one of those moments James... Jesus was right there. Remember the Passion movie we talked about. Whatever you went through... I can not begin to undersatnd or compare my struggles to --- but there is one who has gone through far worse than you or I ever will even imagine. He was tortured beyond human recognition. He was wrongly accused and had such immense suffering and none of it was His fault. It was ours. What He got, we deserved. We don't deserve anything good. We are fallen people and not 'good'... the only thing good about us is Him. Whatever you go throug, have gone through -- Jesus sympathizes.

I think that sometimes we and certain religions and different teaching/philosophies make the mistake of teaching/preaching that if you follow Jesus life will be easy. you'll be rich & healthy & not struggle and when you walk in "His will" life will be perfect --- and the Bible shows and tells us opposite. the Bible is very clear that life on earth is goign to be tough. that we are all going to suffer.... BUT that we have the Spirit and God WILL bless us with many things to get us through these struggles --- the Spirit will comfort us and bring us peace. We will have joy looking forward to our eternal rewards. We will have the assurance that GOD is in control and He always has the last word!!!

I can assure you completely James that Jesus really really really is able to cleanse us of that bitterness & anger. He really can. it takes time... it takes the willingness to confront the situation in our minds and come face to face with the pain.... we have to feel the pain first and then allow Him to take all our burdens.

That is what Jesus is all about. He says take all that anger, that bitterness, that discouragement, frustration.... all the hurt, all the pain... all the disappointments in life --- and lay it on Him. He will make our yokes light. He will carry all that weighs us down.

I am praying for you all and I absolutely am here for you all. We love you all and we absolutely know that God has lead you to our family for a reason.

I wish I had more concrete answers & better assurance for you. but I do know that whatever you're feeling is okay. I do know that GOd loves you beyond what you'll ever know. and I do know that Jesus is THE savior of the world of you and me!!!

I DO know that despite all teh crap we have to endure -- we sure have SO SO SO much to be thankful for!!! I do know that there is much to be rejoicing for in this season as we celebrate teh most precious gift of all. One we do NOT deserve but was given to us anyway!! The Savior who will allow us eternal LIFE. will give us 24 - 7 access to God. amazing.

I know that it will take time -- but I absolutely know that as you walk with Jesus - He will pour His love on you and you too will be able to look back on your struggles and will be able to use it as a testimony. As a way to help others who go through teh same thing. as a way to show the redeeming power of Jesus' love and ability to cleanse us and give us the ability to forgive those who have wronged us. that in itself is a very powerful testimony to Jesus' power.

I really really really believe GOd is goign to use you all to be great testimony's for Jesus' love & power. Keep on keeping on!! HE loves you!!

Love you all!!!

Rich and Becky Stout said...

James... I am actually really glad that you said all of these things. I know what you're talking about, not that I experienced anything to the degree that you did but I know how good it must have felt. When we were kids I was always so angry (and still am) at everyone at church for the way they treated you! I hope that I never was one of them, I always liked you. Stephanie and I used to get in huge fights because I thought she never treated you fairly or tried to understand you at all! I always felt that no one really tried very hard to be friends with you or to understand you. Maybe with the exception of Brian Korth. He was always a really decent kid, I thought.

I totally know what you mean about the church. I can't agree with you more. I've noticed that it so much worse out here than it was back east. People out here are so consumed by the church, engulfing themselves in constant activities, meetings, service... Not that I'm condemning them for this, it's just that they let the church take over every aspect of their lives.

I really do wish, like your friend Randi Jo, that I could make everything that happened to you go away. That I could go back in time and make everyone responsible for their actions, make them see what a wonderful person you really were and are still. I know that I am responsible for it too. I felt that way and never really did enough to try to stop it.

I understand why you would be angry about these things still. I would be too! Hell, I was tormented and bullied a lot in school too and I am still very angry about it as were!

I am glad that we keep in touch and hope that we will stay friends for many years to come. I know my words didn't really do anything to help but I hope that if you didn't know how I felt then, that you do now.