recently i read a blog by a friend or my wife's (and now mine) on morality. while i dont always see eye to eye with her, she made some very good points.
we hear more and more how our country is heading down a dangerous path. we have overcrowded prisons, school shootings, rampant illicit drug use, and countless other shameful issues. there is an easy solution to all of this, go back to the "good old days". or even better to the REALLY old ways. we need to teach our children right from wrong, to respect eachother and their elders (however respecting elders goes both ways, just b/c you a senior citizen doesnt mean you can disrespect me), and that there are serious consequences for doing otherwise. they dont understand this unfortuantely.
way back in Jesus' time, certain things were highly punished. you committed adultry, you got stoned, pretty much for any crime you got stoned. if it were serious enough, you got crucified. fast forward some years, and in the middle east, you stole, you got your hand chopped off. and not just that, one hand was clean (you ate with, shook hands) the other was dirty (you wiped your butt with) they would cut off, you guessed it, the clean one, or it really didnt matter, you only had one. fast forward to the 16-1800's in our very own country, if you committed adultry you got the Scarlett Letter, a big red A branded on you. and i believe (not sure) every piece of clothing you had had to be marked with it. things even got extreme in the witch trials, people got burned at the stake, or drowned just for people thinking they were witches (although most of that was fueled by hate).
i have an easy solution to our problems. how you may ask? simple, show people, espescially our youth that every action has a equal and opposite reaction. yes, i know thats a law of physics, but it applies. maybe not chop off a hand of a shoplifter, but its an idea. (unless stealing to "honestly" provide food for a starving family ie. bread, milk)
how about every state imposing the death penalty, and televising it. they did that in the middle ages, and in fact they were family affairs. i bet if you start showing people that you will die, if you take a life, and show what will actually happen, murders will drop. sure there still will be some, but i bet not as much. of course with this approach you would have to be really sure it was them, or they confess. and no 5-20 years on death row. you get one appeal, and of course the stay, then you done. and the appeal MUST be within 3 years. this is a real quick solution to overcrowded prisons. im not sure on the exact amount but i believe it costs $1000/ day to watch one prisoner, thats with guard pay, food, housing, and the such. thats outrageous! even if i am high, say its $100/ day. thats still $3000/ month,...FOR ONE FREAKING PRISONER!
how about rapists, i have two solutions for this, courtesy of a guy i went to school with. one solution, take the penis of the rapist, and stick it in a lead pipe, or pvc, it doesnt matter. seal that end tightly around his unit. then on the open end, input a rat. then take a gas soaked rag, and tightly seal the open end. the rat wants out, but will NOT go to the end with the rag. it will have to eat its way out the other end. the other solution is to strip them naked and strap them down on a big rock. spray female gorilla horomones all over their butt. and let a very excited male gorilla loose on them. now these may sound horrific, and they are. but they already physically and/or chemically castrate rapists, yet it still happens. we need something to really scare the crap out of them. like, "whoa! they did that to him? forget it its not worth it"
how about murder charges on drug dealers when someone dies of an overdose, or bad stuff? they already know their product kills, and most users go to a dealer they know and can "trust", so its a simple thing. (if i hand a gun to someone wanting to go kill another, i am an accomplice, if i know what they are going to do) but for users and other non-violent offenders, come up with a way to treat them, instead of prisons, this would help overcrowding. and just say we start charging dealers with not only posession, intent to sell, distribution, and the like, but also murder of a person who OD's or kills someone while they are high, or trying to get money to get high, and i bet dealing will drop.
but all these ideas aside, i have a faster solution. teach our kids right from wrong. religon is not a nessecity for this, but it will seriously help, besides, where do morals really come from,..God. start holding the media accountable for the corruption. performers have an image that little kids look up to, and they know this. Eminem actually said he wont let his daughter listen to his music. now i like him, and he is a performer for adults, but young kids liked him too. and another thing on this parents be more involved in what your kids wear, watch, play, and listen to. this does not mean we need to outlaw violent music, movies, tv, and video games. just make them restricted to age appropriate audiences. and do not have "hardcore" type artists on the soundtracks for movies specifically geared to children, this exposes them to these artists, which causes them to want to hear more, then try to be like them. if the performer referes to women as "bitches" and "hoes" but he doesnt in that song of his on the kid's soundtrack, it doesnt mean he is age appropriate. i like M rated games, and artist with explicit lyrics, and R rated movies, but i am 29. they have these ratings for a reason. they all are protected, or should be under freedom of speach, they are a form of expression, and if you watch a movies that shows someone shooting up a place and it makes you want to shoot up somewhere, its not the movie, you were already screwed up. Hitler was already screwed up, so what was he watching or listening to?
parents, and leaders of america and the world, take heed. our world is doomed, not matter if a republican, democrat, or whatever is in office. no matter what religon, race, sex, whatever you are, if we do not teach our kids right from worng, and using your nation's/ religion's religous text for guidence, then dont complain when we have a school shooting. when we see an atrocity that outrages us, one that could have been avoided. sure there will be those that are destined by God to happen, and those that are caused by those who are just screwed up anyways, but there wont be as much.
being a born again/ new found/ whatever christian, i say use the Bible. it chronicles more groups of people than alot of other books out there. pray to God for guidence. some say there will always be prayer in schools as long as there are tests. this is true, but if our very country says "in God we trust" and "one nation under God" whats the harm in having God in our hearts? and if you are Buhddist, Muslim, Wiccan, Jewish, you all have a God, or Gods. now i know there is a God, i wouldnt have my wife otherwise, but humor me for a moment, what kind of God do you worship if you can't say "one nation under God" or in a school prayer they say God, and in your heart and mind you hold YOUR faith near, you still get condemned to your religon's hell?
so to sum up. end this PC crap. be honest about everything, but tactful, teach kids right from wrong, and most important abovr all else, the "golden rule" TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. if we all do these simple things, the world will be more moral, and a better place.