Thursday, May 28, 2009


got the call. we have the right antibiotic. figurerd we did though. she acts like everything is good. thanx for your prayers all. now we just got to hope this wont be a reoccurring thing

1 comment:

Rich and Becky Stout said...

Yay! That is so good to hear! Poor little sweetie! It's so hard when they're so sick and there isn't much we can do for them.

Well, I've been told that Vegas is more Family friendly than it used to be and I'm sure there are some fun things for kids but I can't begin to tell you how horrible and aweful it was when we were out at like 12 & 1 & 2am and would see people dragging these poor exhausted little kids around everywhere with them. There is definitely a lot that you would want to do at night because that's just when so much comes to life there but if you're going to take Carly with you take someone with you that can watch her so you and Dawn can get out at night alone.
I probably wouldn't be taking my kids out there anytime soon. I would definately be waiting until they're older.

Of course it's only a 5 hour drive to Vegas from my house so I would be happy to watch Carly for you while y'all went down there for a few days! (I know y'all might not feel comfortable with that... especially since Dawn doesn't know me & all but it's out there!)